Posts Tagged ‘fud


Microsoft bribes Best Buy to disparage Linux

It’s a measure of how much I’ve neglected this blog the last few months that I found this item a couple of days ago and posted it to Clipmarks and Facebook without mentioning it here.

According to British computer magazine The Inquirer, Microsoft is offering training to Best Buy employees. This wouldn’t be sinister in and of itself, but apparently the training includes FUD claims about Linux. Here’s an excerpt from the article, complete with charming British slang:

MICROSOFT IS INVOLVED in a programme to train the spotty Herberts working at leading US consumer electronics chain Best Buy to disparage Linux and Macs in favour of Windows.

According to MacInsider, Microsoft has created ExpertZone “training courses” to prevent retail employees from selling customers Macs or PCs running Linux.

It provides them with “facts”, consisting of a series of claims about how Windows 7 compares to Linux or Apple, followed by a “quiz” that tells retail employees that their answers are “incorrect” if they don’t parrot back the Vole’s talking points.

Apparently Microsoft bribes BestBuy staff and other chain stores’ retail employees with a ticket to buy a copy of Windows 7 for just $10 for completing the training.