Posts Tagged ‘technology


New Desktop Theme

I read the Gnome-Look RSS feed religiously to find various extensions and themes for the GNOME desktop. Lately I’ve been experimenting with a new desktop theme once every couple of weeks on average. So it was about time for me to pick another one. I stumbled across one with the unwieldy name Gotchione. I liked the look of the panels, so I downloaded it. I found that the dark panels look good with the wallpaper from the BlackWinter theme:

Gotchione with BlackWinter wallpaper

Gotchione with BlackWinter wallpaper

I also went through the trouble of downloading and installing the hydroxygen icon set used by the theme’s author. This required a lot of messing around with the terminal, especially to substitute the Ubuntu logo for the GNOME desktop logo at the top left of the screen. It took about three attempts for it to actually take. Furthermore, the installation instructions included commands to get rid of files that weren’t installed. It looks like the maintainers of the icon set didn’t bother to update their instructions between versions.

Anyway, here’s how the hydroxygen icons look in Firefox:

Firefox in Gotchione

Firefox in Gotchione

I’m not sure how I feel about the icons yet, though they don’t seem too offensive. Anyway, this ends today’s exercise in desktop narcissism.